most_aisle_orders = instacart %>%
  group_by(aisle) %>% 
  summarise(n = n()) %>% 
  left_join(., instacart %>% select(aisle, department) %>% unique(), by = "aisle")
top_1_aisle = most_aisle_orders %>%
  top_n(1, n)
  • There are 134 aisles, and the most items are ordered from the fresh vegetables aisle, in which 150609 items were ordered. The top 3 aisles are fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and packaged vegetables fruits. The three lest orders aisles are beauty, frozen juice, and baby accessories.
each_aisle_order = most_aisle_orders %>% 
  filter(n > 10000)

# reorder() the scatter plot in descending order. 
aisle_fig = each_aisle_order %>%  
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(aisle, -n), y = n, na.rm = T)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill = department), color = "black", position = "dodge") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 8), 
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10)) +
  labs(x = "aisle", y = "order numbers", title = "Most popular aisles") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 160000, by = 10000))


There are total 39 aisles with more than 10000 items ordered. In them, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and packaged vegetables fruits are the top 3 aisles. The median of the orders is 16201, the mean of the order is 2.728110^{4}.

(joint_table = instacart %>% 
  filter(aisle %in% c("dog food care", "baking ingredients", "packaged vegetables fruits")) %>% 
  group_by(aisle, product_name) %>% 
  summarise(order_times = n()) %>% 
  group_by(aisle) %>% 
  arrange((desc(order_times))) %>% 
  top_n(3, order_times) %>% 
aisle product_name order_times
packaged vegetables fruits Organic Baby Spinach 9784
packaged vegetables fruits Organic Raspberries 5546
packaged vegetables fruits Organic Blueberries 4966
baking ingredients Light Brown Sugar 499
baking ingredients Pure Baking Soda 387
baking ingredients Cane Sugar 336
dog food care Snack Sticks Chicken & Rice Recipe Dog Treats 30
dog food care Organix Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe 28
dog food care Small Dog Biscuits 26

The top 3 popular item in aisle packaged vegetabkles fruits are all organic products: Organic Baby Spinach, Organic Raspberries, Organic Blueberries. It is noticeable that the No.3 popular product in packaged vegetabkles fruits is ordered almost ten times as much as the top 1 popular product in the baking ingredients aisle, same goes for baking ingredients and dog food care.

(apple_coffee = instacart %>% 
  filter(product_name %in% c("Pink Lady Apples", "Coffee Ice Cream")) %>% 
  group_by(product_name, order_dow) %>%
  summarise(mean_hr = mean(order_hour_of_day)) %>% 
  mutate(order_dow = recode(order_dow, `0` = "Sun.", `1` = "Mon.", `2` = "Tues.", `3` = "Wed.", `4` = "Thur.", `5` = "Fri.", `6` = "Sat.")) %>% 
    names_from = order_dow, 
    values_from = mean_hr
  ) %>% 
product_name Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
Coffee Ice Cream 13.77419 14.31579 15.38095 15.31818 15.21739 12.26316 13.83333
Pink Lady Apples 13.44118 11.36000 11.70213 14.25000 11.55172 12.78431 11.93750

Mean order time of the Coffee Ice Cream across week is about 13:00 to 15:00. It may imply that people have the tendency to buy coffe related item after lunch time. Most mean order time of the Pink Lady Apples is about 11:00 to 12:00 o’clock of the day. On Wednesday however, the mean order time is about 2 hrs late than the other 6 days.

  • The original data has 1384617 observations and 15 variables.
  • Main key variables include product_name, aisle. The two variables is mostly used in exploring the popularity of a product and the aisle it belongs to.
  • The observation gives identical information about each order, including who bought what, from which category(aisle). Each row of observation might have some categories the same, but it is impossible to be identical in every category. Each row of observation is unique on the whole categorical level. For example, the first row of observation of the dataset means that a customer(user id: 112108) bought the Bulgarian Yogurt(product id: 49302) from the yogurt aisle(aisle id: 120), which belongs to the daily eggs department. This order is his 4th order, and he had bought this product before(reordered == 1). It has been 9 days since the last time he bought the same yogurt.

Order pattern

When - in a day?

bar_plot_hod = instacart %>% 
  group_by(order_hour_of_day) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = order_hour_of_day, fill = department)) + 
  geom_bar() + 
  theme_classic() + 
  xlab("hour of day") + ylab("orders")


Which day?

bar_plot_dow = instacart %>% 
  group_by(order_dow) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = order_dow, fill = department)) + 
  geom_bar() + 
  theme_classic() + 
  xlab("day of week") + ylab("orders")


How many orders do people usually take?

# instacart %>% select(order_number) %>% 
#   ggplot() + geom_histogram(aes(x = order_number))
# instacart %>% 
#   select(user_id, order_number) %>% unique() %>% 
#   count(order_number)
# instacart %>% count(order_number)

instacart %>% 
  select(user_id, order_number) %>% unique() %>% 
  count(order_number) %>% 
  plot_ly(x = ~order_number, y = ~n, color = ~order_number, 
          type = "bar", colors = "viridis")

Reorder pattern

How often?

bar_plot_reord = instacart %>% 
  group_by(days_since_prior_order) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = days_since_prior_order, fill = department)) + 
  geom_bar() + 
  theme_classic() + 
  xlab("day of week") + ylab("orders")

  • Most people reordered every 7 or 30 days

Basket size

basket1 = instacart %>% group_by(order_id) %>% 
  summarize(basket_size = n(), 
            reord_items = sum(reordered)) 

basket2 = basket1 %>% 
  group_by(basket_size) %>% 
  summarize(n = n(), avg_reord_items = mean(reord_items)) %>% 
  mutate(avg_reord_perc = avg_reord_items / basket_size, 
         avg_reord_perc_round = round(avg_reord_items / basket_size, 3)) %>% 
  arrange(basket_size) %>% 
  mutate(basket_size = as.factor(basket_size), 
         avg_reord_perc = as.factor(avg_reord_perc), 
         avg_reord_perc_round = as.factor(avg_reord_perc_round))
# avg_reord_perc has to be factor level so it wont cause error in ggplotly

basket2_fig = basket2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = basket_size, y = n)) + 
  geom_col(aes(fill = avg_reord_perc_round)) + 
  labs(y = 'Order Count', 
       x = 'Number of Items in Basket', 
       title = 'Basket Size Distribution') +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6.0, angle = 90,
                                   hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5))

  • The distribution is right-skewed

    • the range of basket size is between 1-80 items

    • most people order only 4-8 items at once

  • Most people have a reorder frequency lower than 0.6

  • Intriguing how people with either small basket (<4 items ) or fairly large basket (>=20 items) have higher reorder frequency

Reorder ratio

temp1 = instacart %>% filter(order_number > 1) %>% 
  # exclude first order, which will never have reordered
  count(reordered) %>% mutate(ratio = n/sum(n)) %>% 
  mutate(reordered = as.factor(reordered))

temp1 %>% ggplot(aes(x = "", y = ratio, fill = reordered)) + 
  geom_col(width = 1) + labs(y = "Product Reordered Ratio") + 
  coord_polar(theta = 'y', start = 0) + scale_fill_brewer(palette = 2) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())

tmp2 <- instacart %>% count(product_id) %>% # filter only top 10 products for reorder analysis 
  top_n(n = 30) %>% left_join(instacart) %>% # now find out their reordered rate 
  group_by(product_id, product_name) %>% 
  summarize(reordered_rate = sum(reordered, na.rm = TRUE)/n()) %>% 
  left_join(instacart %>% select(product_id, department), by = "product_id") %>% 
  unique() %>% 

p2 <- tmp2 %>% ggplot(aes(x = reorder(product_name, reordered_rate), 
                          y = reordered_rate, fill = department)) + 
  labs(title = 'Top 30 Products Sold and Their Reordering Rate') + 
  geom_col() + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), 
                                  breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) + 

# Q: can we make a prompt so that we can choose top n by input?
  • No doubt people enjoy fruits